Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Steve Rutledge and Mike Yap Present...

Located in downtown Port Hope, Ontario, scores of people converged on the historic Capitol Theatre on the evening of Saturday, September 28, 2013 to attend the annual Adopt a Village in Laos fundraiser. In addition to a fabulous night of entertainment, Steve Rutledge and Mike Yap, the founders of Adopt a Village in Laos, graced the stage where they presented a simply beautiful production rich in visuals and music showcasing the work of the charity.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Helping People Move On...

When I visited Vientiane, the capitol of Laos, in December 2012, I took the opportunity to drop by the COPE Visitor Centre. It was there that I picked up a copy of one of this organization's brochures which goes into detail about its wonderful orthotic and prosthetic rehabilitation programs.

Finally, I got around to digitizing this brochure so that I might be able to share it with a wider audience. By clicking on COPELAOS brochure, you can download a copy of it for yourself.